Spoon Invest is an IT group based in Belgium, a holding company with two main branches.
Lesterius provides consultancy, hosting services and training around FileMaker. With over two decades of experience, we support our clients on their digital journey. We are a professional team of creative business consultants with a relentless desire to give our customers the solutions they cannot get from somewhere else. Lesterius is a problem solver for clients using the Claris Workplace Innovation Platform.
Twixl media offers a smart publishing solution for an engaging reader experience on mobile devices. Our software may automate the app creation process, but we are not automatons. We are inventors. Creative with code, just as our customers are with text and images. We understand what drives them as creatives: the need to connect with audiences. Together, we can make sure their stories aren’t just told – but also heard.
Kortrijksesteenweg 1144N
9051 Ghent
TEL +32 497 55 00 00
VAT BE 0690.539.832
Atoomweg 63
3542 AA Utrecht
TEL +31 85 009 02 10
VAT NL852996056B01
Avenida 24 de Julho
1st Floor - Time Out Market Lisboa
Mercado da Ribeira
1200-479 Lisboa
TEL +351 961 456 737
VAT PT515506389
Edificio @Sant Cugat Business Park
AV. Via Augusta, 15-25
08174 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
TEL +34 935 571 000
VAT B67484394
Vasagatan 16
SE-101 23 Stockholm
TEL +46 8 410 246 50
VAT SE559023875301
Kortrijksesteenweg 1144N
9051 Ghent
TEL +32 493 25 25 77
VAT BE 0892.553.121